May 25, 2018 2:59 am
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Since cars are made up of such a complicated system of components, it can be a real challenge to determine the cause of certain automotive problems. However, the better informed you are about your vehicle and how it operates, the better you will be at finding the source of a problem and getting it fixed. One of the most important parts of your car when it comes to acceleration is your fuel pump. This pump is responsible for keeping fuel ratios in check to ensure effective acceleration and optimum fuel efficiency. Make sure you know what signs of fuel pump... View Article
May 16, 2018 7:08 pm
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Any time is a bad time to have car trouble, but the middle of a hot summer day may be the worst. Even more nerve-racking is having maintenance issues at some point during a summer road trip. As a car owner, the best thing you can do before summer arrives is to take your car to a professional auto mechanic for a thorough checkup. Also, it’s especially important that you hire a pro if there’s a task you don’t know how to handle, even if you’ve referenced your owner’s manual for advice on proper car maintenance. Summer is almost here—is... View Article
April 10, 2018 6:43 pm
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Nearly every driver, especially those who own an older vehicle, has experienced the frustration of trying to start a car that simply won’t start. Whether you hear nothing when you turn the key or your engine works in vain to turn over, there’s something wrong, and it’s important that you correctly diagnose the problem so that you can figure out how to fix it. Although there are several different potential causes of a non-starting car, there are some things that you can look for to narrow down the source of the problem: Blank instrument panel: Usually when you turn your... View Article
March 27, 2018 6:43 pm
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Your engine requires a number of different systems and components to keep working the way it should, well into the future. One of the most important systems in your vehicle is your cooling system, which prevents your engine from overheating and increases its performance and longevity. Unfortunately, many vehicle owners neglect their cooling system and encounter major issues with their vehicle later on. The good news is that you can prevent these problems by investing some time and effort into maintaining your cooling system. Follow these simple steps and make sure to bring your vehicle to an auto mechanic in... View Article
March 15, 2018 3:59 pm
Published by Writer
Drivers purchase new vehicles with hopes of getting thousands of miles and years of use out of them. Regular maintenance is key to optimal operations and a long lifespan. However, many owners fail to keep up with the required maintenance, which can contribute to unexpected breakdowns, increased wear, expensive emergency repair and even a shorter overall lifespan. To help you get the most out of your car, here is a list of the top five maintenance mistakes owners make and how to best avoid them: Ignoring the check engine light: Many drivers choose to ignore this bothersome light, as it... View Article