May 22, 2019 10:31 pm
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Engine coolant, also called antifreeze, is a vehicle fluid that removes excess heat from the engine to prevent overheating. This heat transfer fluid is normally made up of a 50/50 combination of ethylene or propylene glycol and water. It comes in many different types, so check your owner’s manual to be sure you’re picking the right engine coolant for your vehicle. The coolant has an important job. Because the engine creates a lot of energy and heat while the vehicle is in motion, it’s up to the exhaust and cooling systems to ensure the engine stays cool. Coolant is needed... View Article
February 28, 2019 11:49 pm
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Whether you are well versed in the mechanical operation of your vehicle or you consider yourself a total novice when it comes to car maintenance in Chino, CA, almost all drivers are familiar with the odd noises that vehicles make when something is wrong. Some of the sounds you hear coming from your car are simply part of its standard operation, while others are indicators that there’s something seriously wrong with your vehicle. Understanding a little bit more about the noises that come from your car can help you identify issues and get them fixed before they have time to... View Article
January 25, 2019 11:19 pm
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You rely on your vehicle to get you to work, school and all of your other daily activities, so it’s important to ensure that it continues operating reliably. Unfortunately, a lot of people experience issues with their vehicles that require costly and time-consuming repairs. In many cases, these issues occur as a result of neglected maintenance, and a lot of vehicle problems can be avoided with some basic regular car service. One of the most important things you can do to keep your car running efficiently and effectively is to invest in regular tire rotation as part of your general... View Article
October 10, 2018 2:02 am
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Summer is gone and fall will be over before you know it. The time to prepare your car for colder temperatures is now! How ready is your vehicle for the cold winter months? Here’s a checklist of important car maintenance in Chino, CA to follow: Change the oil: Before the arrival of winter is a good time to get an oil change. If you’re about to hit a milestone on the odometer (30,000 miles, 60,000 miles or 200,000 miles, for example), then a full-service maintenance appointment is in order. Make sure there’s enough oil in the reservoir, but the oil... View Article
May 16, 2018 7:08 pm
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Any time is a bad time to have car trouble, but the middle of a hot summer day may be the worst. Even more nerve-racking is having maintenance issues at some point during a summer road trip. As a car owner, the best thing you can do before summer arrives is to take your car to a professional auto mechanic for a thorough checkup. Also, it’s especially important that you hire a pro if there’s a task you don’t know how to handle, even if you’ve referenced your owner’s manual for advice on proper car maintenance. Summer is almost here—is... View Article