May 24, 2022 12:00 am
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Most auto shops close at 6.00 p.m. At this time, most car owners who need auto repair services and use their cars during the day for work are just getting out of work. Some have to deal with a traffic jam before getting to your auto mechanic shop. Additionally, some customers might have their cars break down during the night, and they need to bring them to be inspected and repaired at odd hours. Night drop boxes are designed to help auto repair shops take their clients’ vehicles for repairs after hours. How Do Night Drop Boxes Work? The night drop boxes... View Article
May 17, 2022 12:00 am
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Most car problems are minor and don’t cause worry, but an overheating engine is huge. You need to act quickly if you notice your temperature gauge shifting toward the "hot" side and park the vehicle to have someone check it. These are some common reasons it may be overheating: It’s Hot Outside Hot weather tends to cause the engine to overwork, and it can also cause your antifreeze to evaporate faster than usual. You can remedy that situation by checking your coolant level frequently and having it filled when needed. Additionally, you must confirm that you have the proper antifreeze type... View Article
April 25, 2022 12:00 am
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Finding a trustworthy auto repair shop is critical before having repair work done on your car. This is because if you take your vehicle to a repair shop with a dingy reputation, it may end up having more problems than before and cost you a lot more to fix. If you are in Chino, California, you should visit us at Gabriel Automotive & Towing for unbeatable auto repair services. We have been named the best repair shop in Madison for the 3rd out of the last 4 years. You likely wonder whether being voted the best repair shop is creditable... View Article
April 18, 2022 12:00 am
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There is an ongoing global fuel crisis that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought about. Gas prices are skyrocketing nationwide in the US since President Biden signed an executive order to suspend crude oil imports from Russia. It’s estimated that the pump prices will be rising at an average of 10 cents a day for the foreseeable future. As a car owner, the high fuel prices mean that you will be spending more to keep your car running. However, this doesn’t have to be the case for you, as there are ways you can improve your car’s gas mileage... View Article
March 25, 2022 12:00 am
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Daily driving is a necessity for a lot of people. While a vehicle is a complex machine with many important parts, one of the most important to keep in good condition is your tires. While a quality set of tires can last for years, they do need to be replaced on occasion. For those wondering, "How do I know if my tires need replacement?", there are various tips and factors to consider. Nearing End of Tire Life When you purchase a set of tires for your car, there will likely be an estimated life of how long they will last. This... View Article